Details for DocuCast Nr. 4
The perfect shaping of the soft tissue in the mouth is being prepared by the surgeon over months by using a long-term provisional. Specific model management in the laboratory is required, so the gingival design will not be destroyed. We are always producing two working models. One with a gingival mask made of silicone for the abutment design and one made entirely out of plaster with which we are creating the gingiva design. We are then preparing this design on the model and make it look the same way as it will look when the prosthesis is put in.
We are developing the prosthetics design through wax or mockup that will be tried on.
During the long-standing collaboration with Dr. Marius Steigmann, we have developed concepts together that led to fewer gingival retractions and permanently stable gingival conditions.
You will find the detailed instructions for a better pink aesthetic in this docucast.
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