The IPA Blog

Worth knowing about implant technology

The myths and legends of galvano technology

Reliably lead galvano telescopic technology to long-term success Galvano prosthetics are held in the highest regard. Their reputation precedes them. You could already describe them as the legend of high-end restorations. Titanium and gold are therefore two...

Special Edition on Galvano technology – Foreword by the editors

Galvano prosthetics enjoys the highest reputation. Her reputation precedes her, you can already call her a myth of high-end restorations. Titanium and gold are two excellent elements to ensure permanent use in the oral cavity. They defy the chemical forces and are therefore important pillars of galvano technology – they are one of the strengths of this process. Even non-precious metal alloys for the associated model casting or the metal base can be described as a good and technically correct choice.

In the following, ZTM Wolfgang Bollack breaks a lance for the galvano technique, which is able to rehabilitate sparse dentition patients with firmly feeling teeth, and leads the way successfully. He also goes into the cliffs and even prejudices of galvanism, which he endorses with the buzzword “myths”.

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Implant Prosthetics Academy is a brand of Bollack Dental 


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