Details for DocuCast Nr. 8

As a cost-effective alternative, we often use tightly screwed, composite-veneered bridges. Patients with this kind of bridges should get a check-up every six months. The prostheses need to be removed, and the implant abutments need to be cleaned to avoid peri-implantitis. An ideal alternative to bars made of NEM or titanium are bars made of PEEK. The significant advance is that this material can go with the movement of the lower jar clasp. The new Locator F-Tx system is a

brilliant as well as innovative anchoring system, which is used in the area of fixed dentures and which is, on certain conditions, removable by a dentist. Because of the 40-degree divergence compensation, no angled abutments are needed. This will revolutionize the fixed dentures on implants.

This DocuCast will show you how to implement this technique successfully.


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