Even today, implant immediate restoration is still discussed as being controversial, although it offers patients many advantages from a medical point of view. An implant immediate restoration has many advantages, particularly for the patient.
These particularly include:
- The reduced treatment duration
- Less treatment appointments and therefore less strain
- No dental gaps
- No annoying provisionals
- In the case of full-arch provisionals, fixed teeth immediately on the day of the surgery!
A full-arch implant immediate restoration also has documented advantages from a medical point of view:
- Retention of jaw bone and the surrounding soft tissue
- Avoidance of resorptions
- Stable bone growth due to slight mastication
- Retained bones and soft tissue remain stable for longer than rebuilt ones!
It has been confirmed in many scientific studies, that through so called bone training, i.e. slight mastication during the healing phase, the bone structure around the implant is significantly improved.
So, there really are many convincing arguments for implant immediate restoration.
Yet of course there are also challenges and risks with a full-arch immediate restoration, which must be overcome.
This includes the impression in the fresh surgery site. Practitioners report the uneasy feeling when you don’t know, if and where impression material may have been pressed into the fresh wound. This cannot be recognised by x-ray.
A further challenge is the correct bite registration. No patient really knows exactly how to bite correctly after an implant surgery under anaesthetic.
A stable metal reinforcement of the provisional must be ensured
during the healing period. In our experience, pure plastic provisionals are too unstable, and breaks in the provisionals in the healing period are a disaster, and then often lead to the loss of implants. This must be avoided.
Implant immediate restorations must be metal reinforced.
The Heidelberg immediate restoration concept addresses precisely these challenges, and offers established solutions in practice.
This completely new process was developed and optimised for the requirements of day-to-day, realistic, surgical reality. Often little bone substance is available, and no “full-guided template” is necessary and/or desired.
Experienced practitioners want that familiar feeling when screwing in, right up to the final position of the implant. Therefore, most of our customers use piloted drill templates. Through the skilful combination of digital and analogue work steps and digital pre-planning, this concept regularly leads to significantly better results in the prosthetic immediate restoration, e.g. on the day of the surgery. The permanent long-term provisional will then be produced with metal reinforcement. The original starting occlusal position is taken from an existing denture, but can still be optimised, e.g. middle shift. This occlusal position will be maintained throughout the whole manufacturing process.
No impression in the fresh surgery site is necessary. This means that significantly more surgical safety is achieved, the risks are minimised and recognisably better results are achieved with the precision and aesthetics of the immediate provisional on the day of surgery. The integration occurs without great dental effort in the background. The minor additions that may be necessary, can be carried out by any dentist themselves, or a dental technician on site.